Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Fractured Fairy Tales

Fractured Fairy Tales

Goldilocks and The Three Bears
Santa Clause and The Three Bears 

We have been learning about fractured fairy tales. What are they you might ask? Well, it’s a change/alternation on a classic fairy tale. 
We read the original fairy tale ‘Goldilocks and the Tree Bears’. Many students could recite the lines from the fairy tale. Then, we read ‘Santa Clause and the Tree Bears’ which was a silly take on the original fairy tale. There was no Goldilocks, in her place was Santa! There was also polar bears instead of brown bears. The porridge turned to pudding and Santa stayed around at the end of the book to hand out presents. 

First, we must prepare the props.
Papa, Mama, and Baby Bears chairs 

"This bed is too hard"
"This bed is too soft"
"This bed is just right"

"This porridge is too hot"



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