Wednesday, September 27, 2017

We're going GREEN!

We have been given our recycling bin for our classroom. We have read several stories about recycling and protecting our earth. Ask students about going green? They will be able to tell you ways to reduce, reuse, and recycling. Many may say, don't litter, and turn the lights off when you leave the room. 

We saw a lot of litter around our school. They paired up with each other. They got their gardening gloves and garbage bags and went to work!
They just couldn't believe that there were juice boxes and bottles on the ground and not in the recycling container!

We talked about how plastic can harm animals. 

Living Things

Today we sorted toys into living and non living. Since we didn't have real bugs we used play ones. The students had a great conversation around dinosaurs and if they are living? They decided that they don't live anymore' so they put them in non living :). But they said they were alive a long long time ago.

Provocations are a great way to really understand children's way of thinking. This was today's provocations.

Sunday, September 24, 2017


Busy little Builders!

We love to build in Kindergarten and our favourite building materials are our wooden blocks.  

Some people may think that we were just playing, but we were doing so much more.
 Planning, working together and problem solving are just a few of the things we work on when we work in the block centre.  

 Our teacher loves listening to us figure out what blocks fit together and when we’ve added on one block too many and our masterpieces come crashing down..

....meaning we have start over again; that’s the fun part!

Practice makes Perfect!

We got to use big markers like Miss uses on the whiteboard. We practiced printing on a clear sheet protector, so we could print, erase and start over again. It was a fun way to practice making our upper and lower case letters, and our numbers too!

Little Chefs!

We love learning in our classroom kitchen!  As you can see we can plan a healthy meal and set the table for our guests!

We Sort Everything!

We have been working on sorting in Kindergarten!  We sort things by shapes, colour and size.  We enjoy sorting our bears on size mats; we look at  the colour of the mat and we place the bears by the words BIG or little.  We love it!

Our surroundings

We have been exploring our surroundings during our outdoor adventures. We have been using our five senses outdoors. So far, students saw their school, buses, houses, playground, rocks, etc  


Kindergartens need to be familiar with their surroundings in their community. Maps are a great way to explore this concept. 

Students were asked to draw a treasure map using their school as a base. They were then given a 'X' to hide for their peer to find using the map their created. 

X marks the spot:)

Exploring Apples

Apple Exportation

We decided to dissect  apples to investigate the apple seeds. We counted about 4-5 seeds per apple. Did you know the red apples have brown seeds and the green  apples have white seeds? 
That is what we found!

Students took a seed home. Some said they wanted to plant an apple tree:).

CHEERS to apple tasting!

We used descriptive words to describe what the apple tasted like. The red were sweet, the green were sour, and the yellow were both sweet and sour. 

The chart below is our results from our apple taste. Thank you for sending in the apples! We also got to try some students apples from their very own apple tree and some local apple trees as well. 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Apples Apples everywhere!

We had a very exciting start to our Apple Week!  We had red, green and yellow apples to sample... We even had some "homegrown" apples sent in too!  What a treat!!!  We talked about how all our apples were the same and how they were different.  We also used our five senses to observe what the apples sounded like when we bit into them, what they looked like, smelled like, tasted like and felt like.  We arranged our apples in lines like a graph to show which colour had the most and which colour had the least.  After sampling our apples, we then voted for our favourite colour!  Can you guess which colour was the class favourite? 

Sunday, September 17, 2017


You may have heard your child talk about  a 'ZAP' game they played. This game was created by a teacher in our school who wanted an exciting way for children to learn their letters and sight words. 
All you need is some jumbo craft sticks and a marker! Write letters or sight words on one side of the stick and turn them over, add the word ZAP to some of the sticks. Then students take turns turning over the sticks, they say the letter and then keep the stick. If the ZAP stick is turned over, then they have to put back all their sticks. 
Try it at home:)

Let me take a selfie!

Students were asked to use loose parts and create a selfie of themselves. Their selfies are now located on the wall of their classroom. Then we took this activity to the outdoors and created chalk selfies. Students paired up and traced each other on the pavement. We discussed adding 'detail' to our work like eyes, nose, ears, hair, etc.