Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Outdoor Exploration

(This photo will just not rotate)
This week students will be taking part in a nature walk to enjoy the cool fall breeze. Today, students brought zip lock baggies to carry 'treasures' they found during their exploration. The image above shows some of the students findings which included; colorful leaves, tree branches, rocks, berries, 'popcorn' flowers, pinecones, and of course creepy crawly creatures.

...... we may also have found a SNAIL!
Students are thinking of a name for it. They wanted the snail to have food so they put leaves, berries, and soil in the container too. We discussed that the snail would visit with us for a couple of days, then he would return back to his outdoor environment.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Get Me Another One
By Robert Munsch
A student brought this book to school because it was her favorite. A teacher did a read aloud with the book and all the students went in an uproar! It's hilariously witty and highly relatable to our Newfoundland culture.
Robert Munsch was inspired by Newfoundland folklore and from that inspiration he created 'Get Me Another One'.
If you get a chance to check this book out, do so:)

It's Fire Safety Week
Sparky had a vet appointment and unfortunately couldn't make it but Chief Cory could.
Students were excited to try on some of the clothing that a fire fighter would wear.
Huge thank you to the Chief Cory and the Clarenville Fire Station for putting together such an informative and entertaining presentation.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Inquiry-Based Learning
Take note of a student connecting the letter 'B' on the stick with the word 'Bug' written on the white paper.  
Using provocations such as the items shown above, students can then use their imagination to explore items of interests, and in doing so they make educational connections.
Beautiful Stuff!
No need to purchase items for crafts projects. This textbook provides ideas of items to use that you can find in your 'junk drawer'. Be creative!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Do you own me?? Come find me please:)
These items have been hanging for awhile, several without names.
**Take note that the black and red Adidas coat has no name. The student who is missing the same jacket has their name on it.  If you have one similar, please check the tag for a name.