Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Let us catch you up to speed... 

Here are some inquiry based learning that has occurred over the past two weeks. We've been busy!!

Students have been identifying letters in their name. They went on a letter hunt through magazines. 

Nature walks are a great way to talk about living and non living things. They wondered... 'if leaves fall off the tree, are they still living?' 
Big wonders!

We found a lady bug! We made him an inside habitat for one day. We released him back to his own environment the next day!

Students used their items they found from their nature walk to learn about SORTING! 

Identifying what it means to be 'ME'! Selfies made from loose parts to show how they see themselves. 

Someones ready for a beard I think! 

Selfies made from chalk.  They partnered up and traced each other. They added details to describe how they see themselves. 

Outdoor Exploration
Students took part in another 'I Wonder'... they wondered what color the leaves would turn in fall?
Keep an eye on those trees to see the color change!

Read aloud: The Shape of Things

Students then used their imagination and tracing shapes to create objects that are familiar to them. 

Going on a shape hunt in the classroom. 'I see a circle'.

Exploring with Apples
Students sorted and counted apple seeds. They were amazed to find that some apples had brown seeds and some had white. Who knew? 

Apples, Apples Everywhere!

During apple week, we had an apple tasting day!!! The children had a blast tasting different apples and comparing differences between apples; whether they were sweet, bitter or crunchy. Before we started tasting, we made a graph with our apples to see which colour we had the most of and which colour we had the least of. During the apple tasting activity, we discussed how each type of apple tasted and what words we could use to describe the sounds we heard while eating them! After the tasting, we voted for our favourite; yellow apples were the class favourite because they were sweet, crunchy and juicy!  

We have been discussing how we use our five senses- hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and touching, everyday and apple tasting day was no exception!!!

Color Wall
Our students can create and sort their own color wall using loose parts and paint color strips:) 

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