Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Here are some pictures of the learning that has taken place in Kindergarten since the last blog posting. We have been focusing on letter recognition and letter sounds. The students created an ice cream stand. We have been learning about reading strategies using our witches pointer finger which all students were given in their Halloween treat bags. We celebrated Halloween! 

The students used their bodies to create letters,  we love to create fun and exiting ways to learn our letters! 

We even had a sibling stop by to help us create letters!

Some of Clarenville's awesome firefighters stopped by to teach us about fire safety. We learned that we need to create a fire evacuation plan in our house. We also learned the number to call in case of an emergency! 

Fire safety scavenger hunt. 

Fine motor is key to a successful writer! Playdoh, lock and keys, nuts and bolts are all great ways for students to establish good fine motor skills. Try these at home! 

The students had an idea during inquiry based learning to create their own ice cream shop. Students made posters to display in the store and they also used play money to sell their ice cream. Students stretched out the word 'ice cream' and listened to all the letter sounds to create their signs. 

When putting prices on their signs they used the 'read the room' strategy to figure out how to correctly make numbers.

This ice cream was the flavor 'blue' and cost $2. 

Halloween was a lot of fun in Kindergarten! During the week of Halloween we created skeletons, using q tips and chalk. On Friday, the students will get to explore actual moose bones! This will be exciting. 

Students had to roll the dice and put the number of eyes on their monsters. 

Bean Bag Toss.
The students were encouraged to add their points together to get a total score. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

"Light as a feather"


It didn't take the students long to fill out this sheet of paper with a map their town. They included a H for hospital, W for Walmart, buses, roads, parking lots, houses, trees, water, etc. 

This is a parking lot:)

House with  a house number. 

Living and Non Living

Many students were heard saying, "the bus is not living it doesn't grow" or "the trees are living because it grows". We had a great conversation about what living things need to be considered a living thing. 

The students have been learning what it means to sort (sort toys, colors, paper, etc). We have also been exploring with a scale. The students are getting the concept that an heavier object will push the scale 'down to the ground'.  

Light as a feather! The feather was bigger than the stick but it was equal on our scale.