Monday, November 27, 2017

Magic Tree

Science Experiment!
The Magic Tree

A student ordered a science kit from the Scholastic book order and naturally we had to play with it right away!!

The students created snow on a paper tree! The experiment said it would take one day to see the snow but it only took 30 minutes. It was pretty exciting! 

The students also created 'snow' in a test tube! They wondered what would happen if you add more water to the snow. They discovered 'slush'! 


The students have opened up a store, that sometimes turns into a restaurant and many other things! 

Students used small note books to take 'orders'. They also put up 'sale' signs as well. It was great practice for writing numbers!

Can I buy a piece of corn?? 


3D shapes


Students have done very well with 2D shapes and even better with 3D shapes. 3D shapes have some hard names for us to remember but we are getting there! When you are out and about with your child go on a 3D shape hunt, I think you will be pleasantly surprised at what you hear! 

Below is the result of our 3D shape hunt in the classroom! 

Students found objects such as ...

Cylinder - crayons, pencils, glue stick,  and a glass of juice
Sphere - ball and pom poms
Rectangular prism - tissue box, zip lock baggies, and Lego block
Cone - ice cream cone and pylon
Cube - dice, blocks and sight word cube


Monday, November 6, 2017


The students got to see actual moose bones. One tooth came out! They tried to pull others but no luck. It was a day of bone centers. We read a book called BONES and it told us what happens when a bone is broke and they have to go to the hospital. It showed us what an xray of broken bone looked like. Students also made their very own fossils using impressions of dinosaurs in playdoh. They also got the chance to be a 'vet', and pretended they had to bandage a dogs broken leg. 


We have started 'Science Buddies' with Mr. B.Monk's grade 5 class. It was very exciting. The students got to learn that a rocket does NOT have wings but it has 'fins'. The rocket also needed a 'nose'. The students worked together with their buddies to create their rocket. The best part was when we actually got to set them off. Take notice that we did have some rocket books from the library and they used fuel that produced fire on take off! Our fuel was compressed air and water! A safer option:) 


Halloween was celebrated well in Kindergarten! Between dancing to 'dem bones' and the carnival we were busy! A grade 9 'job shadowed' in our classroom, she was very creative and showed us how to draw skeletons! 

letter formation

Why not use our bodies to make letters?

Leaf Rubbings

 Leaf Rubbings is a texture project in art that the kindergartens do annually. We went on a nature hunt to collect leaves around the school for the project. To complete the project we went to the outdoor classroom!